
Girl in Tree

I took several photos before finding the effect I was going for in this one.  Initially I was taking photos with her facing the camera but I was unsatisfied with those images because they placed the focus of the image too much on her face and took away from the effect of her surrounding.  By having her turn away from the camera I was able to keep her as the focus point in the image without overly distracting viewers form the setting.

Disappointments/ Things to work on:

  • Perspective of height: she was very VERY high up in the tree (about 15feet up) and I am disappointed that the picture does not do a better job of clearly showing this height.  I believe it would have added that “wow” factor.
  • The quality of this photo is decent considering that it was taken with my phone camera however it would have benefited a lot from being taken with a higher resolution camera to add clarity and focus to the image.  A better camera might also have improved on the lighting.

What I liked:

  • Her posture in this image makes it look as though she is totally relaxed and casual as though she is about to continue her “stroll” along the branch.
  • I love the way she seems centered among the braches… it looks great how they are all around her stretching out.
  • She also lends the image a sense scale and perspective to the image.
  • Her jacket and shoes add a great pop of colour to contrast her surroundings.


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